Be Strong Therapy Services is the proud 2020 recipient of the Florida Physical Therapy Association's Catherine E. Patla Community Awareness Grant. This esteemed grant is administered as a commitment to assisting Florida physical therapists in their relations with the public and patients through community awareness of the physical therapy profession. Our submission titled “ Community-Based Education: Physical and Occupational Therapy’s Role in the Cancer Continuum" consisted of a proposal for quarterly lunch and learns surrounding cancer rehab and a workshop course on cancer and intimacy.
Our 2nd workshop on April 9th focused on how rehab can help after a cancer diagnosis. We had both in-person, socially distanced participants and Zoom attendants.
Participants learned what cancer rehab is and why a women going through breast cancer would benefit from therapy services. We had a great discussion on what different side effects may happen as a result of chemo, radiation, or surgery and how therapy can help each.

If you were unable to attend or would like to catch the presentation, you can access the live recording below or check out our youtube channel.
Check out our events page for more upcoming Lunch N' Learns.